DNFP 2019
2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 17 THE MAIN RISKS - OUR POLICIES - OUR PERFORMANCE The Declaration of Non-Financial Performance, stemming from the transposition of a European directive, must include an assessment of the main risks arising from one's business dealings, products or services. DESCOURS & CABAUD has always adopted a risk- based approach. It has recently been given structure and now it is an integral part of the company's operating mode and processes. Risk apprehension is a key factor in improving the performance of organisations. ISO standard 9001 version 2015 confirms this risk-based approach and enables the DESCOURS & CABAUD Group to roll out this process directly to the field. The Group's main divisions own the risks and have been briefed to identify the risks inherent in their area of responsibility, assess their level of importance and implement action plans aimed at mitigating their effects and impacts. These risks were formally defined in a risk assessment matrix and are being monitored by a new body, the CORIS (Risk Committee). In addition, we supplemented this matrix of CSR risks on essential themes, namely human rights, working relations and conditions, the environment, fair practices, questions concerning consumers, communities and local development. The risks were then ranked according to their level of severity (on a scale of 2 to 5) and their level of maturity (on a scale of 1 to 5). We have identified five risks that we consider to be of the greatest importance: the development of our employees, the security of our information systems, ensuring controlled external growth, ethical/ legal compliance and process and procedures to drive our logistics. 3.
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