DNFP 2019
2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 19 > The means of control: Accordingly, 2019 was marked by an action plan initiated by the Group Human Resources Department comprising three components: • A training campaign for Human Resources managers as well as field support to ensure they understand the platform’s functions, they can easily access the key indicators (completion rate, quiz results, etc.). This enables them not only to directly follow the training programmes but also to act as drivers of the e-learning policy. A total of 130 managers were trained in 2019 • A communication campaign through teasers sent via e-mail directly to employees. These e-mails refer employees directly to the training modules without a prior search on the platform. This ensures the visibility of the training offering and reaches out directly to employees who therefore become players in their own development • The coordination of the community of trainees through a personalised report sent monthly to each employee, which assesses the employee’s interactions on the platform and presents their progress More than twenty new training programmes have been published on the platform on different themes: management, technical products, regulations, business and office automation. For 2020, two major e-learning projects are taking shape: • The rollout of e-learning internationally, initially training programmes regarding compliance (SAPIN II regulations), customer relationship and product skills (DEXIS) • Assistance with ERP changes for the DEXIS brand and CRM (customer relationship management software) for the PROLIANS brand, which will necessitate training more than 2,000 persons with e-learning and face- to-face training sessions Even if e-learning is a fantastic accelerator for the transmission of knowledge, it cannot be considered as the only method of transferring knowledge. This is especially true in sectors with a strong oral culture and where human contact is present on a daily basis. We are therefore going to continue to develop our knowledge transmission model and, in particular, develop a more “open source” model aimed at capturing and sharing knowledge not only internally but also externally. Accordingly, we have initiated the development of three areas for 2020: • Partnerships with vocational schools in order to develop very specific training programmes. For the DEXIS brand, a practical workshop-based training programme developed in partnership with a vocational school has been implemented • For the HYDRALIANS brand, we are developing training programmes for our employees, but also our customers who will be able to participate in them • Finally, we are going to set up a trainer network consisting of current and former employees, enabling us us maintain face-to-face modules These three areas will enable us to continue to encourage internal and external exchanges and ensure that our knowledge is up to date, while continuing to promote our employer brand externally. > Key performance indicator: We have implemented technical quizzes enabling us to quantitatively assess the level of knowledge acquired and we are going to continue in this direction. Average success rates were 68% in 2018 and we are aiming for 75% for 2020. Percentage of correct answers to technical quizzes Target: 75% 65%
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