DNFP 2019

2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 22 4) Working on succession plans is a major challenge Identifying key roles and implementing an anticipation and coverage process for these positions is a major challenge for the company. Failing to rapidly fill a Management position may have direct impacts on the company’s results and compromise the company’s growth. The company’s strategic projects are sponsored by certain persons who, if they were to change role or leave the company suddenly, could delay the transformation currently under way and cause a delay that cannot be caught up. In this case “anticipation” is the keyword. It is important to ensure that succession plans are in place and are the subject of concrete actions. This a joint responsibility between the Human Resources department and the Management. > The means of control: In 2019, a new identification process for employees ready in between 6 months and 5 years was implemented for French and European subsidiaries. The aim is to offset unwanted departures from Management positions, but also to enable the development of employees potentially hampered due to the absence of replacements. It is certainly important to supply the pool of resources internally but also to be able to count on the contribution of external skills and expertise, and in this respect, it is planned to ensure that external recruits to intermediary management positions are also selected according to their development potential. In order to help operational staff, an on-line personality testing tool is available to HR teams for enhanced assessment of “soft skills” and at the same time, the ability to manage larger teams or greater complexity. This is a long-term but absolutely essential project to secure key positions and also create attractive career paths for employees and the Group. This succession plan approach will be extended to North America in 2020. > Key performance indicator: An indicator has been implemented to identify risk areas and individual action plans. The objective in 2020 is to ensure that one-third of Management positions have identified successors ready in a maximum of 3 years. % of Management positions having a formalised 3-year succession plan 24% 3,456 employees trained 90,765 hours of training 9.87 hours of training per employee TRAINING RESULTS (2019 figures): 2020 target: 33%