DNFP 2019

2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 31 > The means of control: DESCOURS & CABAUD’s approach to this integration process consists in facilitating the on-boarding and integration of new companies in the Group in the best possible conditions, in both business terms and in social and human terms. The overall integration process is constructed in four stages: • internal anticipation of integration • kick-off meeting and induction visit • integration workshops • progress reporting and follow-up The first stage (internal anticipation of integration) aims to align the level of knowledge of the project concerned, more particularly with regard to the strategic objective, the resulting creation of value and the integration action plan to implement. Among other things, this stage serves to identify and name the contacts tasked with coordinating integration. Induction of and communication with the new company, both generic (standard presentation of the Group, provision of information concerning all the employees) and specific (the strategic objectives of the merger with this company, especially a particular strategic intention, etc.) are also defined at this stage. Kick-off of integration is materialised by an induction visit organised a few days after closing. Overseen by the Group's line executive, it comprises a closely-knit team, and its aim is to welcome the new employees, get to know one another, answer questions and provide all the necessary communication elements. In order to facilitate the subsequent stages, a point of contact and coordination is also identified and the integration managers per function are appointed. Integration workshops are then organised, involving a larger team representing all the company's functions: business (sales, marketing, purchasing and the supply chain), finance, and the support functions (human resources, IT, legal, audit and communication). A visit is organised in the form of joint workshops with Group representatives and the contacts of the company joining the Group for each of the company's functions. If necessary, these workshop can take several days; a detailed integration schedule is systematically prepared, transmitted to the Management of the DESCOURS & CABAUD Group and regularly monitored.