DNFP 2019
2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 32 > Key performance indicators: This monitoring of all the integrations is carried out on a quarterly basis, in order to verify the degree of integration achieved for each of the company's functions and for each of the specific factors concerning the acquisition of the company. The degree of integration is compared with the strategic intention of the acquisition. This degree of integration can vary according to the integrated companies and may give rise to specific action plans aimed at guaranteeing the desired level of integration. In order to reflect the progress of integration projects, a questionnaire has been produced and is updated quarterly. This questionnaire is a means of monitoring all the aspects of the integration process: commercial, purchasing, the supply chain, finance, tax, human resources, IT, legal. This monitoring is a means of establishing the % of integration of the Group’s new acquisitions. This indicator relates to companies acquired before end-December 2018. The goal is to ensure the integration of all acquired companies within 12 months of joining the Group. Since some synergies may take longer to implement (e.g. integration on a logistics platform), our aim is to achieve a % of integration of more than 80% within 12 months of companies joining the Group. In order to go even further in monitoring the integration of the sector aspect, a new key performance indicator will be available for 2020 that directly measures the implementation of synergies. Moreover, the key performance indicator adopted at Group level (% of turnover generated internationally) is a means of assessing the implementation of the internationalisation strategy. Developments in the indicator will make it possible to measure any deviation from the short-term target of 40%. % of integration of the Group’s new acquisitions as of 31/12/2019 87% % of Group turnover generated internationally 35% Target: 40% Target: 80%
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