DNFP 2019

2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 34 > The means of control: They consist in working on potentially weak links in the supply chain, both through prevention measures specific to each platform and on the interaction between platforms. Several means and action principles initiated by the Supply Chain Division have been implemented: At the level of each of the platforms: Continuity of operations in these facilities depends: • on their maintenance and upkeep (regular electromechanical training of maintenance technicians, etc.) • on monitoring the continuity of activity on all our actions/tools: contracts with emergency supply clauses are systematically concluded for priority facilities • on monitoring our social responsibility in relation to our employees: DESCOURS & CABAUD pays particular attention to the health of its employees and sets ambitious objectives, communicated and monitored with regard to severity and frequency rates. The quality of exchanges with staff representative bodies is at the heart of the respective actions implemented to achieve objectives • on an uninterrupted supply of energy, essential to the operations and self-sufficiency of the platforms. It is ensured by the mandatory presence of an electricity generator in our facilities • finally, on monitoring the volume of stocks in facilities classified for environmental protection, which is carried out on a weekly basis In organisational terms, our main or lower tier suppliers are able to deliver directly to DESCOURS & CABAUD sites or our customers, which ensures a fall-back position for sourcing. A limited version of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is in operation on our sites, and will be expanded. This plan makes it possible to assess and anticipate preventive actions to mitigate the impacts in the event of damage in transit. Particular attention has been paid to locating new platforms in areas not liable to flooding. The risk of business interruption is covered by an insurance policy. At the level of interaction between the platforms: The QUOFI platforms, which are parts of a single legal entity, with common IT tools and processes, allow transfers of stocks for accounting purposes, which facilitates their interdependence to ensure supplies for our sites and customers. The versatility of the teams means we can also consider the provision of temporary assistance on our various sites. A partially outsourced logistics service contributes know-how and challenges our organisations. There again, the implementation of a BCP will reduce impacts in the event of unavailability of stock and will ensure the continuity of deliveries of customer orders.