DNFP 2019
2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 41 SCOPE OF THE DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE CONCLUSION AND PROSPECTS This Declaration of Non-Financial Performance (DPEF) covers all the French sites of the DESCOURS & CABAUD Group's scope of consolidation. The European subsidiaries (outside France) and North-American subsidiaries are partially included. Although the international scope is not included for all the themes, it will be progressively extended as and when the necessary tools are developed. The DPEF is a reporting exercise that challenges us: we understand the need to implement best practices aimed at mitigating the non-financial risks, by identifying them, developing appropriate policies, and measuring their effectiveness by means of relevant indicators. Once again this year, we are committed to meeting the expectations of the DPEF. Our maturity on the subject has naturally evolved, based on a process of continuous improvement. It is a virtuous exercise in several respects. It is much more relevant for the company to pursue a proactive CSR approach and produce a report with conviction rather than be required to do so by an obligation. Theprofessional distributionsector isundergoing radical change: market concentration, internationalisation, emergence of new distribution concepts, transformation of the trade sector, etc. The DPEF is therefore an opportunity to fully structure our approach: it serves as a future reference, contributes to writing the future of a Group that is more than two hundred years old and strengthens its creation of long-term values. 5. 6.
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