DNFP 2019

2019 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 8 Our offer OUR COMMERCIAL OFFERING Our broad product range offered in partnership with the leading French and global manufacturers helps to serve its 450,000 trade customers with both standard or specialty products. This breadth of our offering is illustrated by more than one million product references of well-known brands. DESCOURS & CABAUD’s own brands (Opsial and Flowdians) offer an alternative solution to classic brands. In addition to our available inventory in our 710 outlets, the products stored in our distribution centres can be delivered to our customers within one or two business days. In addition to this product offering, we propose numerous services and high-performance solutions that facilitate and simplify the operational activities of our trade customers. DESCOURS & CABAUD has signed a contract with a collector of WEEE and has installed dedicated collection areas. More than 63 tonnes were collected in 2019, bringing our total to 350 tonnes in 7 years. OUR RESPONSIBLE OFFERING DESCOURS & CABAUD is diligent in its effort to sell and promote "responsible" products. To that end, we have raised awareness among and trained our product managers, who classify suppliers according to their ability to offer sustainable and high-performance solutions that match our CSR commitments. Our selection of responsible products, consisting of 2,559 items or 5.92% of the PROLIANS 2018 catalogue, offers: • Better control over social and environmental impacts throughout the product life cycle, from design, manufacturing and use to final disposal • Greater safety and comfort for users To guide our customers in their purchases, this 'green' image indicates the products that meet these criteria. COMMERCIAL OFFERING BY CATEGORY Steel products Industrial supplies Products for public works Water sectors Industrial maintenance PPE Metal removal Nuts, Bolts Screws