28 HUMAN CAPITAL Our soc ial pol i cy Equal oppor tuni t ies A commercially-oriented Group, DESCOURS & CABAUD has always been very sensitive to the development of its human capital. The objectives of the Human Resources Department are accelerating in many areas, but remain focused on the pillars of developing or recruiting tomorrow's talent, strengthening commitment, and establishing the corporate culture and values. The Group’s growth plan, consisting of an operational performance programme to enhance the service offered to its customers, is accompanied by a social innovation aspect, Uniteam, sustained by the ambition to improve its employer brand and to assist its managers by proposing a more collaborative and more aggressive corporate culture. The rollout of an Employee Experience Barometer made it possible to measure employees’ degree of commitment and to determine action plans for the Group, its subsidiaries and its staff. This barometer contributes to the action plans that cover key indicators such as absenteeism, turnover and loss of attractiveness. Two other risks remain at the heart of our action plans: the absence of preparation for key roles and management posts, together with a deficit of knowledge or lack of preparation in relation to the changing nature of our trades. DESCOURS & CABAUD seeks to diversify its workforce, particularly in terms of the complementarity of its teams in order to improve performance. Diversity is reflected in a more balanced gender distribution. The Group also strives to guarantee equal opportunities by offering each employee the means to develop their skills (see page 29). In 2021, in France, 84% of training courses were taken by non-managerial employees, while this population represents 85% of the workforce. The Group is also committed to the integration of people with disabilities, either through direct recruitment or by using the services of ESATs (sheltered employment centres). Training accessible to all Percentage of disabled employees (France): 4.10% of the disabled workforce Breakdown between men and women 2021 RESULTS Women 21% Managers 16% Women 24% Men 79% Non-managers 84% Men 76%