39 2021 DECLARAT ION OF NON-F INANCIAL PERFORMANCE DESCOURS & CABAUD The first key indicator concerns compliance with the maintenance and testing plan. It reveals a good level of maintenance for the equipment and facilities. The second indicator measures the availability of the platform in relation to its operating range. The 99% target was achieved again in 2021, after declining slightly in 2020. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The last two indicators concern the frequency and severity of workplace accidents in the platforms. The Group significantly improved its results in 2021, enabling it to meet its targets. Compliance with the maintenance and testing plan (all platforms except steel and water sectors) Rates of frequency of accidents in the workplace (all QUOFI and MRO platforms) Rates of severity of accidents in the workplace (all QUOFI and MRO platforms) Rate of platform availability (all platforms except steel and water sectors) 60% 10 80% 0.3 50% 5 0 75% 0.1 70% 15 85% 0.5 80% 20 90% 0.7 90% 25 95% 0.9 100% 30 100% 1.1 110% 35 40 105% 1.3 1.5 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021 Target 100% Target ≤ 6 Target ≤ 0.3 Target 99% 100% 29.26 0.71 98.6% 99% 5.59 0.26 99% 98% 34.9 1.3 99.7%