The Group's main divisions own the risks and have been briefed to identify the risks inherent in their areas of responsibility, to assess their levels of importance and to implement action plans aimed at mitigating their effects and impacts. The risks are formalised in a matrix and contribute to the Internal Audit action plan. Risk Committee (CORIS) The Risk Committee (CORIS) coordinates the management of the risks to which the Group is exposed, by monitoring the mapping of all the potential risks involved. The risks addressed in this Declaration of NonFinancial Performance are grouped together in an overall non-financial risk matrix. Each risk is precisely defined and analysed in terms of impact on the company's performance, probability of occurrence and level of control. All these data are then used to obtain a residual risk rating (from 2 to 14). An order of severity is then created, thus prioritising those risks that will be dealt with in the Declaration of Non-Financial Performance. WHO DOES WHAT? PRESENTATION STEPS The accuracy of information regarding the results of policies, key performance indicators and actions related to the main risks has been certified by an independent third-party organisation (Saint Front). The Declaration of Non-Financial Performance should include an analysis of the main risks created by the Group's business relationships, products and services. Risk apprehension is a key factor in improving the performance of organisations. Methodology for draf t ing the Dec larat ion of Non-Financ ial Per formance These risks are identified by the presence of key performance indicators. They are divided into four themes: - Governance The Group's profile The business model The values The value creation model - Compliance Information compromise The risk of bribery The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Due diligence - Social and human Development and management of personal talents Employer brand Personal Security Key-person dependency - succession plans Low turnover - Environmental Control of supply flows and concentration of logistics flows 4