D&C DNFP 2023

THE BUSINESS MODEL Our resources / TEAMS CLOSE TO THE CUSTOMER DESCOURS & CABAUD deploys a sales force of approximately 9,500 employees who combine technical expertise with the ability to adapt to technological change. All of them are committed to meeting the diversity of customer needs, in close proximity, whether on the phone or in store. The development of their skills is ensured by continuous training, via our internal organisation - Tech'up - which offers a catalogue of 170 training courses adapted to the Group's activities (sales techniques, product techniques, safety, etc.). / A DENSE REGIONAL NETWORK With 716 outlets, DESCOURS & CABAUD has an unrivalled regional network. The network is especially dense in France with 406 outlets across the country. / PRODUCT AVAILABILITY We ensure that stocks are properly sized, which involves a strict management policy for our supplies and deliveries. The challenge is to maximise product availability. In addition to the inventory in our sales outlets, the products of our logistics platforms can be delivered to our customers within one or two business days. 14 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2023_DESCOURS & CABAUD