/ SCOPE OF THE DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The risks identified cover a number of cross-cutting CSR issues, such as compliance, environmental performance, social considerations and human capital. The KPIs relate to either the Group as a whole (in which case they encompass 97.27% of the Group's workforce) or at least France (equivalent to 59.96% of the Group's total workforce). The environmental indicators cover 91.29% of the Group's workforce. TOPICS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCOPE Compromised information Level of governance Group Level of risk control Group Level of physical and IT security Group Corruption Rate of training for the anti-corruption e-learning module Group Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation % of requests to exercise rights processed within due time limits France % of compliance among European subsidiaries Europe Due diligence % of suppliers assessed Suppliers Asia Talent development % of correct answers to technical quizzes France Attractiveness of the employer brand Number of followers on LinkedIn Group Rate of departure among new hires in their first year France Indeed and Glassdoor reviews France Employee safety Rate of Frequency Group Rate of Severity Group Succession for key positions % of management posts with a formal succession plan France Employee turnover Voluntary turnover rate Group Environmental impact % of Euro 5 or 6 heavy vehicles in the fleet France Trend in vehicle fuel consumption France Operational performance of the logistics platforms Compliance with the maintenance and testing plan France Platform availability rate France Rate of Frequency France Rate of Severity France The accuracy of the information disclosed in this Declaration of Non-Financial Performance has been certified by an independent third-party organisation (Cabinet de Saint Front). 17 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2023_DESCOURS & CABAUD