At the end of this pre-qualification visit, a level of requirement is estimated and assigned to each supplier on a scale of 1 to 3, incorporating various criteria such as business volume, the industrial sector concerned or the country of production. Each level of requirement triggers its own specific controls. The supplier qualification policy therefore provides for several types of audits and controls to be carried out and followed up when business relationships are established. All the tools deployed in this respect are based on a siteby-site approach, as close as possible to the production plants, and pave the way for corrective action plans when the situation requires the support of a supplier. Audits were conducted and renewed in 2024 according to the intervals specified by the policy with the aim of guiding strategic purchasing policy decisions by assigning compliance scores with the pillars of CSR, quality and reliability in business. / KEY INDICATOR For 2023, the indicator covers the main suppliers based in Asia (requirement levels 2 & 3 assigned according to DC GLOBAL SOURCING ASIA's own grid). The requirement levels vary according to the Group's level of commitment to a supplier, including the volume of business done, but also taking into account the location, as well as the level of CSR maturity. The target is to carry out a 100% assessment on this panel of suppliers identified as representing the highest level of commitment and risk for the Group. % of Asian suppliers assessed (requirement level 2 and 3) The deviation from the target at the end of the year is justified by the time required to validate the most recent qualification audits of suppliers placed at a high level of requirement during 2023. Target 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 80% 70% 90% 100% 2022 2021 2023 92.5% 71% 96% / QUALIFICATION OF ASIAN SUPPLIERS IN TERMS OF CSR MATURITY Identify a potential supplier Requirement level 1 Pre-qualification visit by the DC GLOBAL SOURCING team Requirement level 2 DCA audit by the DC GLOBAL SOURCING team Requirement level 3 EcoVadis questionnaire + on-site HSE audit or Third-party CSR audit Pre-approval inspection Supplier approved Assign a CSR control requirement level based on the: • Supplier's criticality level • DESCOURS & CABAUD Group's potential commitment to the business volume Supplier not approved Supplier not qualified Supplier qualified for the business relationship • Follow-up of action plans • Renewal audit every one to three years 32 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2023_DESCOURS & CABAUD