/ CONSUMPTION OF PAPER (FRANCE) In 2023, colour prints represented 5.33% of the total prints, compared to 5.96% in 2022 (the target is no more than 5%). Our printers are programmed as standard to print on both sides in black and white (double-sided printing saved the equivalent of 3,480 cubic metres of water in comparison to single-sided printing alone, according to supplier data). After a fall of just over 13% between 2021 and 2022, the number of prints increased by 2.1% in 2023 compared with 2021. For the Group's business communication needs, printers always use paper from certified forests. / CARBON TRANSITION PLAN Actions and resources envisaged SCOPES 1 AND 2 • Incorporation of CO2 emission thresholds on selection of vehicles: these thresholds are regularly revised downwards; • Expansion of the range of products and services available to employees to include electric, hybrid and bioethanol vehicles; • Regular renewal of our light and heavy goods vehicle fleet with new vehicles that consume less diesel, study of B100 vehicles; • Replacement of fuel/gas-powered forklift trucks with electric forklift trucks; • Limiting business travel in favour of video calls, where time and distance allow, giving priority to rail travel; • Regular employee awareness-raising campaigns to save on heating and air-conditioning costs; • Discussions with owners of operating sites to find energy-saving solutions; • Integrating energy efficiency solutions (BMS, insulation, etc.) into building renovation projects; • In geographical areas that are conducive to this (southern Europe), promotion of self-generation of electricity by photovoltaics, for example. SCOPE 3 • Reduce emissions from transport purchases, for example by challenging our suppliers to offer transport using vehicles running on biofuels; • Reduce air freight with the exception of “urgent” and long-distance shipments; • Challenge our suppliers to increase rail and river deliveries: several Group sites are connected to rail and ports; • Reduce emissions from packaging purchases, mainly by reducing weight and volume. 44 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2023_DESCOURS & CABAUD