D&C DNFP 2023

As a distributor, our activities are punctuated by logistical flows and therefore inbound and outbound transport. Several of our logistics sites are connected to the rail network for rail deliveries or to ports for ship deliveries. Generally speaking, incoming flows are a mix of road, sea and rail freight, and very rarely air freight. Outgoing flows are mainly by road, using our own fleet of lorries or hauliers. The Group's upstream and downstream transport emissions: FREIGHT : • Incoming road, incoming air, incoming rail, incoming sea • Internal road • Outbound road TRAVEL: • Home to work • Business travel: Car, Train, Plane • Visitors / customers / RISKS AND CONSEQUENCES Our distribution sector involves transporting goods, which necessarily leads to impacts on the environment, particularly in terms of pollution and the use of natural resources. / MEANS OF CONTROL We regularly renew the fleet of heavy vehicles by choosing the most recent vehicle emission standards (Euro 5 and 6). This also applies to the fleet of light vehicles. They are renewed on average every three years, which means that they always benefit from the latest technology and constant progress in terms of fuel consumption. In addition, the car grid includes vehicles selected on the basis of their 'Total Cost of Ownership' (overall cost of using the vehicle, including rent, fuel costs, CO2 tax, etc.) as well as clean vehicles (hybrid, electric, etc.). ENVIRONMENT Transport 45 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2023_DESCOURS & CABAUD