D&C DNFP 2023

INDICATOR DATA 2022 DATA 2023 SCOPE SOCIAL POLICY Change in percentage of women in the company +1.2% +0.5% Group Breakdown between men and women: 25.2% women 25.7% women, 74.3% men Group Training accessible to all Managers: 16.5% & Non-managers: 83.5% Women 23% and men 77% Managers: 19.5 % & Non-managers: 80.5% Women 22.6% and men 76.4% France Percentage of disabled worker beneficiaries (France) - temporary 5.3% 5.32% France Percentage (France) of correct answers to technical quizzes 65.2% 60.5% France Number of staff trained 6,899 7,490 Group Number of hours of training 169,233 154,162.08 Group Number of hours of training per employee trained 24.5 20.58 - Number of hours of training on average per employee 12.91 10.66 Group Number of followers on LinkedIn 2023 28,000 31,200 Group Indeed reviews 3.5 out of five 3.6/5 for 408 reviews France Glassdoor Reviews 4 out of five 3.8/5 for 79 reviews France Rate of departure (France) of new recruits on permanent contracts in their first year 22% 27.8% France % of management positions (France) with a three-year formal succession plan 35% 59.6% France Rate of Frequency 14.4 10.13 Group Rate of Severity 0.71 0.45 Group Voluntary turnover rate on permanent contracts (or equivalent) 9.41 11.45 Group Number of Group entities signing an agreement in 2023 NA 42 agreements by 25 subsidiaries France France 53 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2023_DESCOURS & CABAUD