DNFP 2020

2020 DECLARATION OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DESCOURS & CABAUD GROUP 46 Concerted efforts are now made to recycle as much as possible of the waste produced at our sites. To this end, a target has been established in 2020 consisting of attaining at least 80% of waste products recycled or reused. In 2020, 91% of waste was recycled or reused. Consumption of water This is limited to “sanitary” use, since our trading business does not need to use water in any of its processes. Nevertheless, the Hydralians brand, specialising in the distribution of watering and irrigation products, proposes solutions aiming to reduce and to optimise water consumption, such as, for example, the reuse of waste water to irrigate a golf course, dripper systems, or the programming of irrigation circuits, etc. In terms of climate change • The main impacts of our distribution sector are transport-related carbon emissions (trips by sales representatives, the logistics of products sold, etc.) and our administrative buildings. • Travel consumption has been closely monitored in order to quantify our impact. Actions have already been taken on the vehicle fleet. Light vehicles are replaced every 3 years on average, meaning that the Group can permanently benefit from the latest technologies and make constant improvements in fuel consumption. Furthermore, the car policy now includes vehicles selected according to their TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), which notably factors in their consumption and CO 2 emissions. Cleaner vehicles (i.e., hybrid or electrically-powdered cars) are now integrated into the DESCOURS & CABAUD vehicle fleet, and this in each of the categories of beneficiaries. Local initiatives are undertaken, such as the setting up of a tricycle delivery service in Amsterdam. Occasional fuel-efficient driving courses have been organised to raise awareness amongst employees. Video conferences are now systematically preferred in order to limit travelling and to limit contacts during the period of the pandemic. Video rooms, the installation of video solutions for managers, and the large-scale roll-out of a collaborative communication application in 2020 has allowed for the generalisation of this method of exchange. Social commitments to sustainable development The fight against food waste This indicator is not considered relevant to our business, since our activity does not involve this aspect, and what is more, fewer than 3% of our sites use our institutional food services. The service provider offering food services on the sites concerned pursues a policy along these lines. • The fight against food insecurity This indicator is also considered irrelevant. • Animal welfare This indicator is also considered irrelevant. • Respect for responsible, fair and sustainable food This indicator is also considered irrelevant.