FLAT CONNECTORS schemat A a b a schemat A a b schemat B a b Use the convenient tool available at, which allows you to choose the optimal scheme of nailing. The wizard will help you calculate how to quickly and optimally join two beams with a perforated PP perforated plates. The wizard's base includes perforated PP plates with lengths ranging from 160–600 mm. You can place nails yourself by clicking on the available holes or based on a unique algorithm, indicating the number of nails you want to use. The second method is especially helpful for larger tiles with a large number of holes to fill. By clicking on the "Print" button, you will receive a clear overview of all the information you need, including: data od perforated plates, nailing diagram with the required nails, calculated joint loading capacity and minimum beam dimensions. Wizard for nailing plates PP 2 PP 9 PP 18 PP 30 PP 10 PP 29 PP 1 the point of contact of two beams hammered nail the hole that should be empty (PN EN 1995-1) possibility of hammering a nail A C F B symmetrical layout blocked area arbitrary layout force loading the joint A B A + C F F pattern A pattern B esv-01.23 I]hhb]ҹ MeXbh] @] Iӌ=bh ҹ Xee ?aŲh]mҹ P=FKQ SRI>=P qqqҶe]hhb]ӝZpҶ^l